Is the Kammavar caste in Tamil Nadu powerful?
Kammavar caste people especially in Coimbatore ( singanallur constituency ) are the deciding factor in politics. The people belonging to kammavar caste being soft hearted in nature do not involve in showing their power so only we are not able to visualize it.moreover PSG , gknm , Ramakrishna , Lakshmi mills , crystal group and many other reputed industries and colleges belong to kammavar people …I don't know about other district but in Coimbatore they are powerful Yes the Kamma or Naidu caste is very powerful. They are very dominant in business,politics and film industry. They have started many Kamma Naidu association colleges and schools and giving education to many poor students at very low cost. Here students from all castes are given admissions. Kammas have lot of good will and reputation among other communities for the kind of social services done by Kamma caste associations. Kamma caste people have bought good reputation to the state like G. D. Naidu, PSG Naidu, bollini munu...